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Sally Ruth Bourrie

Oregon Loves New York

A Story of American Unity After 9/11


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Something powerful happened in New York. We had a rare opportunity to experience the healing power of human-to-human contact and to honor our highest nature.
Jan Woodruff, Portland State University Director of Marketing and Freedom Flier

Three weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, when the world was afraid to get on an airplane, much less a plane to New York City, 1,000 Oregonians took 62 flights to show the terrorists they didn’t win and to boost the tanking New York economy. What they found were fellow Americans who needed more than their money, they needed their hearts. The Flight for Freedom is a little-known story of Americans at their best, showing up for their fellow Americans in a time of tragedy.

Through this book, it is the author’s hope that Americans can see that it’s possible to come together despite what seem to be vast differences. These Oregonians did it.

For a nation as divided as the United States is today, the book explains how Oregon mirrors America as a whole in many ways. Oregon is widely diverse geographically, has a troubled racial history, and in 2004 was found to be the most politically polarized state by Nate Silver’s 538. And yet these Oregonians from across the spectrum of economics and background-1 in every 3,000 people in the state were Freedom Fliers-came together to stand in the grief and pain of big-city people 3,000 across the continent who were seemingly so different than they. And New Yorkers opened their hearts to them.

Author Sally Ruth Bourrie covered the event for the Chicago Tribune and The Boston Globe. Learn more about the Flight for Freedom and Sally at
Includes full-color photos from this historic trip. 698 pages.

The symbolic commitment to be a part of the recovery of New York from these horrible attacks meant a great deal to all New Yorkers and sent a very positive message to the entire nation. The Flight for Freedom demonstrated that people from 3,000 miles across the continent felt comfortable and safe in the streets, and that message got out in the rest of the country.
Former New York Governor George Pataki

With Oregonians’ Flight for Freedom, the people of my State are standing shoulder to shoulder with the citizens of New York in an effort to make clear that no terrorist can break the American spirit. I urge all Americans to follow their example.
Senator Ron Wyden speaking on the floor of the U.S. Senate, October 4, 2001

I came to this country sixty years ago as a refugee, an immigrant, with absolutely nothing, no hope, no future except what we’re going to make of it-and here I am leading the delegation down Fifth Avenue. And then, to see New Yorkers opening up their hearts to us. Not only did they give me something back, we were able to give them something back. It was just mind-blowing for all of us.
Portland Mayor Vera Katz on leading the Freedom Fliers in the 2001 New York Columbus Day Parade on the anniversary of arriving in New York City as a Holocaust refugee

About the author

Sally Ruth Bourrie loves to tell inspiring stories about people making a difference. She is enormously proud to have told the story of the heroic Oregonians who cared for New Yorkers after 9/11 in her book, Oregon Loves New York ( She has pitched and sold more than 2,000 pieces to outlets including The Boston Globe, the Chicago Tribune, The Oregonian, The Denver Post, and The Dallas Morning News, Plain Dealer Magazine, Chicago magazine, Northwest Woman, NASDAQ, Colorado Business, Alaska Airlines magazine, Cable World, Wireless Week, and Barnes and Noble digital library. She is currently writer-editor at the Farm Credit Administration, where she wrote the script for Letters from the Grapevine, a film about the agency's employees who served in World War II. Its thousands of views on YouTube have broken all previous agency records. She's also worked in the arts, as senior editor for permanent collections at the National Gallery of Art and by contributing 1,200 artist biographies and objects descriptions to the J. Paul Getty Museum website. For the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, she researched and wrote the first exhibition catalogue on California wood engraver Paul Landacre. Learn more at

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