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Brad Binning

Operation 128

Brad Binning

Operation 128

Narrated by

Adriel Brandt

Heather Tracy




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A story that has fact, fiction, espionage, and high drama to make for an entertaining read that keeps the reader captivated for the length of the book. This audiobook fits into this mold perfectly as it has all the making of a thriller coupled with historical facts and a good dose of fiction to keep the reader enthralled and guessing to the very end. A truly delightful piece of writing that takes the listener on a journey back in time to the beginning of the Second World War, just after the Dunkirk evacuation. Winston Churchill was desperate; the German army was ripping its way through Europe, with France about to fall. Adding another world power into the fold was the only option.

Brad Binning

Brad Binning considers himself an American historian and someone that loves to dig deep into facts to extract the real story. His idea for searching for answers through extensive research earned him endless respect.

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Brad Binning

Operation 128

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