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Bryan Reeves

Choose Her Every Day (Or Leave Her)

A Guide For Your Journey Through The Transformational Fires Of Love & Intimacy

"A must listen for all men"

Bryan Reeves

Choose Her Every Day (Or Leave Her)

A Guide For Your Journey Through The Transformational Fires Of Love & Intimacy

"A must listen for all men"


Narrated by

Bryan Reeves




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Most men are clueless around how to do intimate relationships well. Most women don’t know much better.

That was Bryan’s story for decades. At 36, in the midst of yet another agonizing breakup, Bryan had a painful epiphany: he had no idea what women wanted from him and no idea what he actually wanted from a woman, either. Despite earning a Masters Degree in Human Relations and succeeding professionally as a Captain in the U.S. Air Force, no one had ever taught him the essential skills for creating fulfilling intimacy that endures.

Bryan vowed to stop sucking at love, and thus began his transformative growth journey through the realms of love, sex, and relationship. What started as a personal exploration exploded into a viral blog that sparked a movement, attracting millions of readers worldwide.

Now, Bryan invites both men and women to join him on an empowering adventure through this anthology of teaching stories, revelatory insights, and simple practical tools for creating thriving relationships. Bryan’s wisdom garnered from both personal experience and thousands of hours coaching men, women, and couples for over a decade unveils for you the very secrets (that should never be secrets!) to flourishing in love and connection.

“Choose Her Every Day (Or Leave Her)” is not just a book; it’s a universal guide for anyone seeking to enhance their intimate relationship skills and cultivate deeper connection with a partner.

Whether you’re a man or a woman, Bryan’s words will resonate deeply.

Bryan Reeves

Bryan Reeves is a former US Air Force Captain and "dark night of the soul" survivor turned author, blogger, life/relationship coach and workshop facilitator. Bryan's eclectic professional background has seen him rocket satellites into space at Cape Canaveral, tour North America with a spiritual pop music band, talk mind-body science with Oprah Winfrey, and literally bump heads with The Oracle of Tibet on a fundraising tour for his new monastery in southern India (that same Oracle also once walked in on Bryan in the bathroom!). Bryan served on the Executive Committee of the Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment in Los Angeles and has worked on projects featuring world-renowned luminaries like Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Rev Michael Beckwith, Don Miguel Ruiz and many others. His blogs are regularly featured on The Good Men Project, Raw Attraction Magazine, Sexy Conscious Awake, Elephant Journal and others. He's the author of two books on relationships and spirituality, including “The Sex, Flirting, Dating, Hunting and Hoping Diet” and "Tell The Truth, Let The Peace Fall Where It May." Connect with Bryan on Facebook (bryanreevesofficial) and at

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Bryan Reeves

Choose Her Every Day (Or Leave Her)

A Guide For Your Journey Through The Transformational Fires Of Love & Intimacy

"A must listen for all men"


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